When you join our Discord Server, we ask that you open the #welcome channel, read through our server rules, and then at the bottom of the channel, please click on the reaction button to verify you have read and agree. Once you have done this, we ask that you verify you have your FFXIV Character Profile set so that your achievements are public, as well as registering your server and character name.

Please Enable Public Achievements
Make sure your profile on the lodestone has “Achievements” set to ‘Public’. This may take 24 hours before Ser Aymeric will be able to see that change so it may take 24 hours before using the ?iam command will assign you roles.
Registering Server and Character Name
Please navigate to the #Bot-Commands channel and enter the following:
?iam "server" "character name"
Example: ?iam Lamia John Doe
Discord Rules
- Everyone Welcome
- We run an inclusive discord, we don’t care what happened in your past, you are here.
- This is a safe place we want you here.
- We do not tolerate bullying; this is a game lets have fun!
- You may share our links to anyone you want, the more the better.
- Respect
- If you have any issues, please reach out to these people —> @Leader @Bigger-Leader.
- Please use mute in parties where you are not calling so that everyone can hear.
- Listen to the party leaders; if you have something to say don’t be salty about it as some are still learning.
- Party Etiquette
- You, or anyone in this discord, are encouraged to start parties for any content you want; we ask that you are respectful and don’t spam ping’s.
- If you sign up, then show up! Being on time helps us conduct our raids. If you are going to be late, or miss a run, tell the poster of the run.
- No Spam
- Do not use this Discord to post/recruit for other discord groups.
- We know there are other discords; we keep a select few for people to join – if you don’t see one in the #discord-endorsements then its not one we would like to promote.
- Hunting Etiquette
- Our play style is that we don’t make secret groups to hunt; we want to help, so call it out if you can.
- Hunts, Fates, NM’s, etc.: we try and let people get to them; we do not pull them on purpose without attempting to help people get to them.