Art is located in the WEST hallway.
Magia Board Setup
Defensive: Earth
Offensive: Water
All Tankbusters and Raidwides in both fights are physical so melees can use Feint (not Feint L) to help mitigate
Thricecull – Tankbuster
Acallam na Senorach – Raidwide
Legendcarver – Point Blank Circle AOE
Legendspinner – Donut AOE, either be next to him or max range relative to boss
Calling Spears down in cardinal or intercardinal points on the arena.
When the spears are down in the arena and he does either Legendspinner or Legendcarver the spears will imitate it after a couple of seconds, think of it similar to Sophia EX and her daughters
Legendary Geas
Floor will turn dark, DO NOT MOVE
Will be followed up by multiple line aoes targeting a random person in the arena
Gravity Ball
There will be a marker placed in the arena you have to get away from alongside with someone being targeted by dropping AOEs after the initial damage from the get away marker
Should the fight continue beyond 0.1 % All players should move over to Earth (Defensive) magia.