Owain is located in the EAST hallway.
Magia Board Setup
Defensive: Fire/Ice
Offensive: Fire/Ice
All Tankbusters and Raidwides in both fights are physical so melees can use Feint (not Feint L) to help mitigate
This boss will change between Fire and Ice elements set yourself to /magiaauto in order to change elements automatically.
If your healer did not bring Refresh L be wary as you may change elements and run out of charges to change your wheel again.
Thricecull– Tankbuster
Acallam na Senorach – Raidwide
Element Shift
Changes elements followed up by a point blank circle AOE relative to the boss, this mechanic will also summon spears at cardinal and intercardinal points in the arena with a different element each.
When the boss uses Element Shift, the spears of the same element will do the same thing as well, so the safe spots will be the spears of the opposite element.
People with AOEs on them go out to the edges and Triangles stack together.
If the fight drags on for far too long, we will see hands, when this occurs it is similar to Dun Scaith, so look at them and walk towards them.